
We are entering our tenth year of business, which is something that not many hosting companies can say. We owe this to our dedicated staff and loyal customers.
In 1996, we started as a programming company under the name ComWeb LLC. We developed
applications for high traffic entertainment sites. From tracking to backend content mangement, we have done about everything. Quickly we found out that by not having control of the hardware or networks our clients were operating on, there were too many variables beyond
our control. We wanted to control all these variables, and thus increase the stability of our software offerings. This is when we began hosting our software clients. This mix of programmers and network administration staff has created the perfect combination for our continued success.
We also understand the end user communications as we owned and operated an internet acccess
dialup and broadband (ADSL) company for several years. All of this expereince has allowed us to stay competitive in the market and withstand the recent Tech Market shakeup. With this high level of knowledge and continued dedication to excellence, customer satisfaction and our client base have continued to grow.

We are a privately held company owned by Robert Sudduth, Jr. We have zero
bank debt and access to high lines of credit if we need them. Unlike many of our past competitors that have since gone out of business, we didn't start our hosting venture by charging ultra low rates and hoping to acquire a large customer base quick enough to
cover our base fees. We have had nearly ten years to steadily, consistently grow our business to the level we are now operating at. This long term consistent growth has allowed us to keep profits up and the cost of initial network expense low so
we can continue to upgrade our infrastructure without relying on financing.
Please contact us for any further information you need.